Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2496: Why Your Actions Are Incongruent With Your Goals
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#2496: Why Your Actions Are Incongruent With Your Goals

People set goals for themselves but often find that their actions are not congruent with those goals. This can be a source of frustration and can prevent people from achieving their desired outcomes.

In this masterclass, I’ll delve into the reasons why our actions may be incongruent with our goals and provide strategies to overcome this challenge.

To avoid these issues, investing in oneself to gain the necessary tools and knowledge to reach goals efficiently. Listen now!

Show notes:
[06:39] #1 You don't believe it.
[10:27] #2 You don't know how to reach your goals.
[15:15] #3 You are operating by inaccurate formulas.
[18:32] Recap

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