Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2487: The Seller's Mindset
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#2487: The Seller's Mindset

In today's topic, I will talk about the seller's mindset and how you can develop it or sharpen it if you already have it. Anyone listening to this who wants to make more sales and earn more income should get their mind focused on selling, as this is the key to becoming better at it.

Join us as we explore the three key points of the seller's mindset and how they can help you succeed in your sales endeavors.

Show notes:
[7:01] #1 Everyone is in the sales business, regardless of what they sell.
[9:01] #2 You don't need people to come to you for you to make a sale.
[21:08] #3 You should wake up with the mindset of making things happen.
[23:31] Recap

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