You put in all that practice time. Anticipated this moment. You even visualized how you would perform and dominate.
Then the lights come on, you’re all set to go on stage or on the court, and you start overthinking everything. You think about possibly failing. You think about all the reasons it would be much easier to not do this. You think about everything other than just doing what you already know how to do.
Has this ever happened to you? Would you like to get rid of it — Forever? Good. I knew you did.
Today I will explain to you how to kill the dreaded overthinking habit that is killing your moments, slowing you down, and getting in the way of your successes.
And it won’t come back to life.
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Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at
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Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website
Find me on social media:
Instagram & Snapchat @DreBaldwin
Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay
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