Work On Your Game Content/#2447: The 80% Principle
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#2447: The 80% Principle

What 80% are you okay to have and 20% not ok to have?

Today’s episode is about 80% principle. No person is going to give you 100% of what you want. Accept the fact that there are 20% that you are not going to get. But you can fill that up with 20% from different individuals.

Don’t make the mistake of throwing the 80% trying to get 100% because that will never happen. Listen now!

Show notes:
[5:42] #1 There are no perfect scenarios, only trade-offs.
[8:43] #2 The best people in your life will give you 80% of what you ideally want from them.
[13:02] #3 What 80% must you have, and what's the 20% that you're alright with not having?
[17:04] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2174: There Are No Perfect Scenarios – Only Trade-Offs
1663: Your Favorite Flavor Of "Shit Sandwich"
1207: Don't Settle For "Good Enough" Out Of Fear That You Won't Find "Better"

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