Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2442: The 5 - 15 - 80 Rule
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#2442: The 5 - 15 - 80 Rule

Ever heard of the 5-15-80 rule? It’s a principle that suggests that people can be divided into groups of 80%, 15%, and 5%. Which group are you in?

Today’s episode is about the 5-15-80 rule, a further breakdown of the 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle. I will explain these numbers, when, and how they can affect you.

Listen now!

Show notes:
[06:59] #1 You can be in different groups and aspects of life depending on your habits.
[08:28] #2 5% of people do amazingly well.
[15:11] #3 15% of people do well, and you're good.
[18:45] #4 A percent of people do nothing, or these are the mediocre folks.

Episodes Mentioned:
2180: The 80/20 Rule Applied To People & Ambition Pt. 1
2181: The 80/20 Rule Applied To People & Ambition Pt. 2
330: Putting the 80/20 Principle To Work
2079: Good Players Vs Difference Makers
2080: How To Go From Good Player To Difference Maker

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