Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2428: Why You Need To Be More Aggressive In Getting Things Done
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#2428: Why You Need To Be More Aggressive In Getting Things Done

Asking people to do things is different from making sure the work is done. You are given a job to get it done, and it should not be just done but precisely done.

Today’s class is about why you need to be more aggressive when it comes to getting things done. If you remember the people from the front desk in my building who told me they would ask the postal office people to take the packages out; but, the whole point is I don't want them to ask, I want them to make sure it gets done. Being aggressive to finish your work is not a bad thing, it actually just shows how committed and trustworthy you are in your work.

Be aggressive by listening to this episode because you will learn more!

Show notes:
[9:59] #1 In a high level business you are given a job to get it done and then you're asked if it got done.
[14:26] #2 Human beings are wired for compliance.
[18:22] #3 Being aggressive does not mean being confrontational, nasty or overly dramatic.
[20:39] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2420: Just Don't Be Incompetent
742: If You're Not Gonna Be Aggressive, Get Out Of The Way
420: Getting Aggressive To Make Sh*t Happen: Interrupt Patterns

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