When you have a poor money mindset, you are fixed to believe that everything is hard to do and achieve just because you don’t have the means. Unlearn the garbage concept around money and time here.
In this masterclass, we’re going to talk about how you can multiply your money and time via investments. Money creates freedom to do things that you want to do, but time is more valuable. Know the worth of your time so that you can make value judgments as to where to make investments. Investments that multiply your money and time.
Be serious about your success this year, start it by having a rich mindset.
Show notes:
[7:48] #1 Money is simply a medium of exchange.
[12:58] #2 Human beings have an inordinately emotional connection to money more than time.
[26:03] #3 Investing multiplies your time.
[31:09] #4 Do not compare your outcomes to other people because they're playing a different game from you.
[33:19] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
2214: How Your Poor "Money Mindset" Is Keeping You Broke
2321: Healthy Money Mindsets
2349: You Need ABSOLUTES – Not Maybes
1172: Your Lack Of Urgency Is Your Biggest Problem
1943: How Constraint = Freedom & Urgency