Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2395: Some Truths About The American "Justice System"
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#2395: Some Truths About The American "Justice System"

Today’s class is about some truths about the American Justice System. There have been many controversial court cases that split the general population - the OJ Simpson case might be the most famous court case in history. I'm not saying that OJ is necessarily guilty or innocent. I'm here to say that the legal system in America is not all about innocence or guilt, and not because the court says something does not mean it is actually true.

Show notes:
[07:48] #1 The legal system in the United States is not based on innocence or guilt.
[12:49] #2 Don't get on the wrong side of the law, if you don't have the financial resources to keep yourself out of jail.
[21:07] #3 Do not use legal outcomes or legal actions against a person as “proof of their innocence or guilt”.
[24:39] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2368: Know What The REAL Game is

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