Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2343: Every Process Has A Price
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#2343: Every Process Has A Price

Every process we do or follow intentionally or not, has its cost that we need to pay whether we like it or not, And I want everybody here to become aware of it! And the purpose of this masterclass today is to make everyone aware and have the power to do something about it ,because no matter what we choose to do in life we can never avoid the fact that we need to pay the price for every choice that we make.

Show Notes:
[05:03] #1 Being disciplined has a price
[08:53] #2 Being undisciplined and having no process has a price too
[13:36] #3 The good news about paying a price for anything is that there is usually a payoff on the other side
[18:57] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2174: There Are No Perfect Scenarios – Only Trade-Offs
2013: The SAME Things, The SAME Way, EVERY Time Successful people discipline
1931: The Inverse Of Insanity: Doing Different Things, Expecting The Same Results
2310: Unenforced Rules Are Merely Suggestions
1402: The 5 Levels Of Expertise

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