Dealing with some uncomfortable conversation is one of the things we usually avoid, we do everything just to avoid these conversations, but did you know that the most successful people are usually the ones who are most willing to have uncomfortable engagements.
So let’s talk about that! In this masterclass I’m going to share with you some tips on how to deal with uncomfortable conversations, why you need to deal with it and what good things you may get on it.
Show Notes:
[09:06] #1 Stop avoiding uncomfortable conversations
[15:48] #2 Address the elephant in the room
[25:19] #3 Be honest and transparent and other people will generally reciprocate
[27:47] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1925: Do Your Homework! Dreallday.Com/1925-
846: True Confidence: Disconfirming Yourself Dreallday.Com/864-
1800: How Objectivity Became The New Controversy Dreallday.Com/1800-