Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#234: Careful of Passing Judgement- You Don’t Always Know The Whole Story
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#234: Careful of Passing Judgement- You Don’t Always Know The Whole Story

Humans are creatures of judgement. We judge people all day. We judge the friendliness of a stranger looking our way at the mall. We judge if we should stop at or speed through the yellow light. We judge the trustworthiness of a new employee with company passwords.

Our judgement is, for the most part, very good. Many of us would be dead if it weren’t. Sometimes, even, our skill/habit of judgement spins out of control.

We judge why someone is driving so slow. Why he won’t ask me on a date. Why she is so dumb and doesn’t understand or agree with my opinion!

Today’s show shares how we should consciously curb our judgement more often when it comes to what another person is doing and why – as often we have no idea, and when we do have ideas, they’re wrong

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