Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2339: Why You Should Trade Money For Time
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#2339: Why You Should Trade Money For Time

If you are doing business successfully right now, You should also know to trade your money for time, not time for money! This is one of the most important things that you’re going to do as a professional in the business world. I’m going to show you how and why you need to be doing it more and you need to be doing it on purpose.

Show Notes:
[03:45] #1 Time is the most valuable of your resources, and it is infinitely more valuable than money.
[11:52] #2 The terms “wealth” and “rich” are measures of time not measures of dollars
[17:28] #3 Many people are on the slow bus to success because they are cheap with their money
[24:09] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
609: The 5 Forms Of Investment, And How To Use Each

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