Treating and being treated the same as everyone else is unfair.
What is fair is being treated and treating others accordingly based on the correct metric and value brought by an individual to a relationship or transaction.
Don’t undervalue yourself and don’t cry that things are “unfair” just because you don’t know the game.
Listen up!
Show Notes:
[06:11] #1 Fair is defined as in accordance with rules or standards. Definition doesn’t talk about being the same.
[14:57] #2 What is fair is when everybody is treated based on what they bring to the table and their relative value compared to others.
[17:00] #3 Most of the time, when we consider things unfair, it’s caused by us looking at the wrong metric.
[29:49] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
2111: Getting Your Mind Right Around Money
2214: How Your Poor “Money Mindset” Is Keeping You Broke
2266: How Short Sightedness Is Costing You Money & Opportunity
2220: The 12 Work On Your Game Commandments [#4-6]
2221: The 12 Work On Your Game Commandments [#7-10]
1360: The Rules Are NOT The Same For Everyone!!!
2096: The 3 Seasons Of Your Work (And How To Manage Them)
1210: Don’t Complain — Play The Game!
1314: Hustle: Learning To Play The “Game”
1431: Discernment: Your Skill Of Perception And Judgement