Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2329: Are You A Player Or A Cheerleader?
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#2329: Are You A Player Or A Cheerleader?

Are you a player or cheerleader? Are you a bigger fan of other people than you are of yourself?

This episode tackles the issue of self-confidence head-on, which is important because there are many people who would rather see someone else reach their goals than work toward their own.

Show Notes:
[05:30] #1 Are you a bigger fan of other people than you are of yourself?
[08:48] #2 Supporting other people.
[13:13] #3 It’s much easier to sit on the sidelines and cheer for what other people are doing than it is to put the pressure and focus on yourself.
[19:48] Recap.

Episodes Mentioned:
2286: The reason why celebrity is celebrity
2284: Why Chaos Is Appealing To The Masses

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