Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2313: How To Be A Person Of Class
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#2313: How To Be A Person Of Class

People buy into who you are, before they buy into what you do. Be the person where others will naturally treat you with respect by having the energy, being composed and carrying yourself with high standards that you uphold and protect.

Show Notes:
[03:38] #1 Carry yourself in a dignified way.
[06:48] #2 The Respect you have for yourself commands the same level from others.
[12:27] #3 Sometimes you need to buy-into something and adjust the way you carry yourself just to get into the room.
[17:14] #4 Having class means having standards which are held up and protected.
[19:15] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2157: Demanding Vs Commanding
1880: The Law Of Association
2235: Why “Selling Out” Is Actually “Buying In”

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