Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2286: Why You Need To Stop Watching TV (& The Internet)
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#2286: Why You Need To Stop Watching TV (& The Internet)

Because of sheer economics and mathematics it makes sense for the entertainment and the political world to cater to the bottom 80% of the population.
The top 20 % would rather educate and improve themselves rather than squander their resources in consuming what was designed for the 80%
Which group do you belong to?

Show Notes:
[03:19] #1 The Entertainment and Political world targets the bottom 80% of the population.
[08:51] #2 Successful people have big libraries while unsuccessful people have big televisions.
[10:59] #3 They used to call it the Idiot Box for a reason.
[15:37] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1474: Stop Watching “The News”!

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