There will always be people who are better than you. They have been doing it longer, better and are more recognized than you – you would be smart to learn from them! The challenge is, these people may not be so available to you all the time to answer your questions, hand out advice, or coach you through your next move.
Today’s show explains how you can start soaking up value from people who have the knowledge and skills and experience you need.
Listen on: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud | Google Play | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Bluburry | Player.FM
Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at
Direct mp3 download: [mp3 download link]
Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website
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Instagram & Snapchat @DreBaldwin
Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay
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