“Should” is a word we all tend to use when assessing our areas for improvement. These are the things that we know need to get done, but we’re simply not doing now.
In this masterclass you’ll learn that you need to start removing this word “should” from your vocabulary and what to replace it with. Figure out a plan and a process so you can actually start doing the things you know you need to do now.
Show Notes:
04:51]#1 “Should” is defined as a word used to indicate obligation, duty, correctness, and to indicate what is probable
[08:13]#2 The word “should” is a built in excuse
[11:35]#3 Eliminate “should” by getting out of the passive and into the active
Episodes Mentioned:
2270: 4 Reasons You Need To Hire A Coach dreallday.com/2270-
2228: Quantitative Vs Qualitative Change: Understand The Difference [1 of 2] dreallday.com/2228-
2229: Quantitative Vs Qualitative Change: Understand The Difference [2 of 2] dreallday.com/2229