Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2239: How To Stop Lying To Yourself
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#2239: How To Stop Lying To Yourself

We’ve created a world where people give more weight on how they feel and their opinions over what is factually true. Everything is based around affirming anyone and everyone, even when things are clearly on some bullshit.

In this master class, you’ll learn how to focus on what is factual and what actually works, rather than what you want to, or feel would work.

Show Notes:
[09:35] #1 You need a system for objectively measuring yourself and your actions.
[16:33] #2 Get clear on the desired results and measure yourself based on results.
[19:26] #3 Your business will be sustained by results.
[25:40] #4 Make your decisions based on what actually works rather than what you want to work.
[27:19] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1838: How To Build Your Business Ecosystem htttp://
1569: Systems & Processes WORK: So Why Don’t You Use Them? htttp://
1800: How Objectivity Became The New Controversy htttp://
1808: How To Be Objective htttp://
2009: Truth Is Objective htttp://
1709: How To Not Fool Yourself: Confusing Belief With Skill htttp://
2191: How To Stop Fooling Yourself (When You’re The Easiest To Fool) htttp://
1800: How Objectivity Became The New Controversy htttp://

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