Self Evaluation should be an ongoing process and not just a moment of pondering whenever you fail on something. Instead of following your hunches and your ego, you should have a system for self evaluation where you’d be honest with yourself about who you are, what’s working for you and what’s not. Today we talk about having a system and a process exactly on this. Listen up!
Show Notes:
[04:39] #1 History is written by the victors.
[10:40] #2 Value Accuracy over Belief.
[14:54] #3 Don’t be the judge and jury of every action you do, idea you have and execution you work on. Listen to the people you trust.
[18:19] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
2155: Emotions: Great Gas Pedals — Terrible Steering Wheels
2173: Your Ideas Are NOT YOU
2167: Being "Right" Vs Being Accurate [They're NOT The Same]
2163: The 4 Worst Inaccurate Formulas You've Been Taught
2154: How To Operate By Accurate Formulas
2113: The Skill Of Accurate Thinking