Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#217: Why You DON’T Need To Be An Entrepreneur
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#217: Why You DON’T Need To Be An Entrepreneur

There is an Entrepreneurship Gold Rush going on right now, and it’s beautiful. People are starting businesses from their laptops and phones, making something out of nothing. People are creating new possibilities for themselves, their families and mankind as a whole.

And not everyone need to be doing it. Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone.

First, many people don’t even understand what entrepreneurship is and what exactly is required of an entrepreneur from the beginning – so I cover that today.

Then, you need to know what continuing to be an entrepreneur means. And, most importantly, the mindset of entrepreneurship that will determine how you handle things in your business. This factor will determine when or if you have business for long.

But if you understand all of this, why would you NOT want to be an entrepreneur? I’ll go over that, too. We need people in every sector, not just the business-starters.

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