The business is more important than the brand. Having said that, today we’ll talk about the most important consistent things I do to fuel, build and sustain my brand which is lended to by the business.
Show Notes:
[12:20] #1 Prolific Publishing.
[19:35] #2 Clearly and Boldly State my opinion on topics that a lot of people are afraid to talk about.
[31:39] #3 Consistently employ methods of being heard and seen and read about by people who don’t know me
[34:32] #4 Allow the business to build the brand.
[37:06] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1391: Build A Business Before You Build A Brand
1878: No Such Thing As An "Underpaid" Entrepreneur
1862: Want To Be A Creator Or Influencer? Listen To This NOW
854: Luck Strategy: Be Outside Often
1025: The Opportunity Is In The Opposites
301: You Cannot NEED and LEAD At The Same Time
1835: The 3 Marketing Traffic Strategies And How To Use Each