Today is Part 2 of our talk about Bryan Flores’ class action lawsuit against the Miami Dolphins which alleges Racism.
Show Notes:
[06:09]#5 If someone thinks they're not getting the job because they're black, they have a right to believe that. But, it's not as if black coaches don't have jobs
[18:50]#6 Let's talk hiring. Brian Flores' demand of "ensuring the diversity of decision making"
[26:32]#7 The NFL allowed this to happen, by the support of George Floyd and BLM
[29:39]#8.a Trickle-down Activism
[41:54]#8.b The NFL empowered this vote, now they lay in the bed they made
[42:56]#9 The conflict of those that believe not hiring a black guy is racist, and having the freedom to fire employees for not getting jabbed
Episodes Mentioned:
1663: Your Favorite Flavor Of "Shit Sandwich"
1690: A Dirty Secret That Social Media Platforms Don’t Want You To Know