What I will be sharing here today is the truth about how business is happening and the way that I would suggest you go about your own business so make sure to listen up.
Show Notes:
[06:57] 1) You can’t do much business without people skills and relationships.
[12:07] 2) Sharp business is not necessarily about being friendly and nice.
[20:15] 3) Most people do not understand what I said in points number 1 and 2.
[22:26] 4) Your job is to strike a balance of accumulating wins for yourself while at the same time being able to come back to the table with the same people you won with the first time.
[25:05] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1663: Your Favorite Flavor Of "Shit Sandwich" dreallday.com/-1663
2111: Getting Your Mind Right Around Money dreallday.com/-2111
1957: The "Ethical, Unfair Advantage" dreallday.com/-1957
2081: How To Become Aware Of Your Own Ignorance dreallday.com/-2081
1649: Ignorance Is NOT An Excuse dreallday.com/-1649
1210: Don't Complain -- Play The Game! dreallday.com/-1210
750: Knowing Your Angles -- And the Angles Of Other People dreallday.com/-750