Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2106: How To Combat Self-Doubt
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#2106: How To Combat Self-Doubt

Confidence is your own self talk that can impact many things that you believe you can do but sometimes self-doubt creeps in and destroys this confidence of yours. You need to combat all this self-doubt before it destroys any more of your present or future success.

Show Notes:

[06:19] 1) Make and keep a list of all your accomplishments and review this list on a regular basis.

[10:41] 2) Stop feeding your doubt with its favorite foods.

[17:29] 3) Stop expecting perfection of yourself.

[26:06] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:

1087: How To Have Energy That Attracts Good Things To You

185: Leadership- Who Are You Attracting And Why

1880: The Law Of Association

2016: Why Journalism Is Dying


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