Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2098: How To Generate Repeat Business In Thought Leadership
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#2098: How To Generate Repeat Business In Thought Leadership

Whatever it is you do for a living, the best business is repeat business simply because it is much easier to get someone who already bought from you in the past to buy again. In today’s class I’ll be showing you how you can do the same thing but through thought leadership.

Show Notes:

[08:42] 1) Choose the right message/audience match.

[18:14] 2) Have a transferable message that can universally apply to different groups.

[22:41] 3) Be great at delivering your message.

[27:47] Recap

Episodes Mentioned

2077: You Are NOT Your Avatar
137: Going From Egg To Avatar
1738: Brevity: The Skill Of Making Your Point Without Talking TOO MUCH
2013: The SAME Things, The SAME Way, EVERY Time
2059: Vanilla: Only Good For Ice Cream & Oreos

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