Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2084: When & How To Fire Yourself
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#2084: When & How To Fire Yourself

When you first get started on a business, you're most likely going to start it alone and you pretty much have to do everything on your own. However, as your business starts to mature, you will realize that there are certain roles that aren't meant for you so you need to reinvest into your business by firing yourself and hiring someone better that can fill in the role.

Show Notes:

[07:27] 1) There is no excuse to not outsource help these days.

[17:17] 2) Name the 3 things you do best in your business.

[25:11] 3) Every minute you spend not doing the top 3 things you are best at is wasting a lot of wealth and opportunity.

[27:54] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:

1303: CEO You And Employee You

352: No One Pays For Mediocre

1499: Who Is A Positive Investment In Your Life?

609: The 5 Forms Of Investment, And How To Use Each

327: Earl Nightingale's 25 Principles of Creativity, #9-16

1257: Invest In Your Communication Skills

1403: How To Reinvest In Your Business

1482: Invest In Your Investments

1310: How To "Professionalize" Your Business


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