Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2068: Why People Who Are Less-Skilled Than You Are Doing Better Than You
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#2068: Why People Who Are Less-Skilled Than You Are Doing Better Than You

Are you in a position wherein you are more skilled than other people yet these other people are still doing better than you? Listen up because in today’s class I’ll be showing you as to why you’re in this position in the first place.

Show Notes:

[06:20] 1) Belief and expectations.

[16:19] 2) Strategies

[23:33] 3) Persistence and mental toughness

[26:40] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:

2023: The Life-Changing 48 Hour Experiment

1523: Check Your Ego At The Door

1353: Prioritizing Success Over Ego

2032: Why You MUST Get Your Shit Together


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