Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2045: Why You Need To Master Strategy
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#2045: Why You Need To Master Strategy

All it takes is one good strategy to change your life. Listen up cause in today’s class I’ll be teaching you why it’s so important to get good at mastering strategies.

Show Notes

[07:01] 1) When you understand the concept of a strategy, you can create any result at will.

[12:08] 2) When you understand strategy, you can help anyone else get a consistent result.

[15:53] 3) When you master strategies then you can become really good at empowering, inspiring and helping other people.

[20:02] 4) When you master strategies, you get good at modeling other people.

[24:33] Recap

Episodes Mentioned

1850: 3 Strategies To Cut Through The Fat & Get Attention

1835: The 3 Marketing Traffic Strategies And How To Use Each

1770: New Strategies To Stay "In The Moment" (And Have More Impact)

1648: The Power Of Strategy

1526: How To Strategize Properly

1525: Long-Term Strategy: What Feels Good Vs What Works

1486: Why People Fail To Plan & Strategize

1285: How To Strategize Your Success

803: Helplessness Is Not A Strategy


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