Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#203: Never Disrespect Success
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#203: Never Disrespect Success

Some people have so much conditioned themselves to NOT appreciate themselves, they always have a self-deprecating message about their own work and lives. These people lack correct (read: success-sufficient) levels self-esteem and talk down on themselves habitually.

This may not be so much of a problem within itself – if you want to talk yourself into less than your capability, no one can force you not to – but many are doing this unconsciously. While doing so, they are costing themselves the possibility of success.

Success does NOT have low self-esteem. Success actually views itself very highly, and won’t tolerate disrespect. Those people who routinely disrespect even the smallest success will soon not have any to even talk down on. Today’s show explains why -and what you need to do to make sure you are not making this mistake.

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