Why should you attend live events when you can learn almost everything online? I'm going to answer that question in today’s class so make sure not to miss out.
Show Notes:
[09:08] 1) You hear things differently when you’re there in-person.
[15:04] 2) The people who you want to connect with are at these live events.
[21:12] 3) Luck and success happen outside.
[22:57] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1415: Competence Of A Teacher, Humility Of A Student http://dreallday.com/1415-
1927: The Steel Man Mentality http://dreallday.com/1927-
1693: The ONE Best Thing To Focus On For 2021 http://dreallday.com/1693-
1492: Show Up! The Power Of Being In The Room http://dreallday.com/1492-