Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#200: Born Fully Confident, Taught To Hesitate
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#200: Born Fully Confident, Taught To Hesitate

If you’ve ever raised a child or been around a young baby, you’ve seen a human being in his natural state of self-belief. He goes after what he wants with no hesitation or thoughts of what could go wrong. People admire him for it. And he often gets it!

You were the same way before you learned to talk and understand worlds like No and Stop and Don’t. So what happened to you since then? Who taught you to not be fully confident? And why did you accept and continuously apply this bad information to your life?

Today’s show explains why – and what you will now do about it.

Listen on: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Bluburry

Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at

Direct mp3 download: click here

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