Look at the definition of scam. Then look at the school system in the USA. If you’re in school and paying for it – most especially college – you’re being taken. I got taken myself. So I’m sharing what I’d wish I knew then with all of you now.
I Detail it all within the show, but let’s just look at textbooks. Some crooked professors require you have the book. School bookstores gouge you on prices and give you 10% of what you paid when you return the book in the same condition in which you got it. That alone is a scam that lines the school people’s pockets. With YOUR money.
There’s a whole lot more to it. Listen to the show and be enlightened.
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Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at DreAllDay.com/Podcast
Direct mp3 download: click here
Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website DreAllDay.com.
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