Following the rules will only get you so far. You need to start innovating and breaking some rules to get ahead in life and in today’s class I’ll be teaching you how to do just that.
Show Notes:
[11:00] 1) Rules are made in order to maintain order.
[23:41] 2) There is a hard cap on how far you can go via following the rules and there is a risk that comes with breaking the rules.
[28:39] 3) Innovators are rule breakers by definition
[31:38] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1909: The Benefits Of Noncompliance & Rule-Breaking
1655: 5 Rules I’d Give Myself 20 Years Ago
1637: Podcasts I Listen To [Pt. 1/2]
1638: Podcasts I Listen To [Pt. 2/2]
1663: Your Favorite Flavor Of “Shit Sandwich