If you want to win in life then you need to stop treating it like a sprint and start treating it like a marathon. Listen to me in today’s class to find out how you can set up a long term plan for yourself to succeed.
Show Notes:
[03:54] 1) If you’re going to run a long race, you need to prepare yourself.
[13:04] 2) Expect peaks and valleys.
[16:35] 3) Manage your energy.
[21:16] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
314: How To Play – And Win – The Long Game Of Life https://dreallday.com/314–
254: Long Term Success Requires Long Term Work https://dreallday.com/254-
232: How Long Are You Willing To Work Without Recognition? https://dreallday.com/232-
116: Winning In The Long Run https://dreallday.com/116-
1525: Long-Term Strategy: What Feels Good Vs What Works https://dreallday.com/1525-
1336: How To Play The Long Game Like A True Professional https://dreallday.com/1336-
1044: How To Finish The Marathon Strong https://dreallday.com/1044-
926: How To Finish Stronger Than You Started https://dreallday.com/926-