Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1794: Why College Athletes Should NOT Be Paid
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#1794: Why College Athletes Should NOT Be Paid

When you play NCAA sports, you are officially noted as an amateur and amateurs do not get paid for their work. In this class, I’m talking about why college athletes should not be paid. Make sure you listen attentively to the context of how I’m making this argument.

Show Notes:
[10:54] 1) The 3 levels of earning money.
[19:47] 2) Is the money there? The player could still get something. It doesnt have to be the full salary.
[29:22] 3) Create leverage to get paid.
[36:43] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
915: The ONLY 3 Ways Anyone Makes Money
1782: When Hurt Feelings Are A Weapon In The “Emotion Olympics”

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