There’s a clear distinction between holding yourself accountable and beating yourself up. In this class, I’m going to help you draw a line between the two ’cause you do not want to make the mistake of crossing.
Show Notes:
[05:02] 1) Accountable means required or expected to justify actions, or decisions responsible.
[12:39] 2) Beating yourself up does not help accountability.
[19:58] 3) K.Y.P. (Know Your Personel).
[24:35] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
1785: Why To NOT Be Your “Own Worst Critic”
1787: How (And Why) To Keep Your Foot In You Team’s Ass
1755: The Scary Truth About “Cancel Culture”
1385: Earning Your Right To Hold People Accountable
765: Closing Your Accountability Gaps
688: How To Hold Yourself Accountable Without A Coach or Trainer