Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1783: Fuck Your Feelings. Do Your Job
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#1783: Fuck Your Feelings. Do Your Job

There are times in life where it’s impossible to not give in to your emotions but other times, you also need to do your job. So f*ck your feelings. Do your job.

Show Notes:
[04:00] 1) Life is harsh unfair and unbalanced.
[11:17] 2) Feelings are important but job matters too.
[14:40] 3) Let your feelings drive you to do the job.
18:00] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1301: Your Options When Facing Unfairness
955: What To Do When Things Are Unfair
613: You’ve Been Lied To: Life Will NEVER Be Fair
1608: How I Would Create And Sell Products Starting Today
1628: What About “Equal Opportunity”?
1173: EVERYONE Is A Role Player
834: Knowing And Accepting Your Role In Sports, Business and Life

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