Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1778: Why You Should Repeat Yourself Over And Over Again
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#1778: Why You Should Repeat Yourself Over And Over Again

Remember there is value in repeating your message over and over and again. Don’t ignore the power of repetition ’cause in today’s class you’re going to learn why you need to repeat yourself.

Show Notes:
[04:11] 1) The bikini principle
[07:11] 2) People want to hear more from you and will continue to buy-in your things even when you share it over and over again.
[12:07] 3) No one is thinking about you the way you’re thinking about you. And no one thinks about you nearly as much as you think about you.
17:09 Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1507: Preach To The Choir, Dummy!

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