Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1713: Feeling Lost? The Real Secret To Find Yourself And Reconnect With YOU
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#1713: Feeling Lost? The Real Secret To Find Yourself And Reconnect With YOU

How do you reconnect with who you really are as a person? In this class, I’m going to give you something that’s going to challenge your mind and help you get to where you’re going and get back in touch with yourself.

Show Notes:
[05:28] 1) Who or What did you want to be when you were eight years old?
[09:36] 2) When’s the last time you were really happy?
[18:10] 3) What have you been trying or pretending to do or be that you know is not really you?
[23:40] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1448: How To Reconnect With Your Instincts & Gut Feelings
1177: Insight: The Key To Going From 1X To 10X

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