Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#167: Execution: It Ain’t About Them
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#167: Execution: It Ain’t About Them

Gregg Popovich didn't really care for game planning for the other team. He knew what his team needed to do: run our plays, make the right reads and decisions. If that happens, we win. Doesn’t matter who we play.

Business think they need to jump on every new social platform to stay top of mind to customers. Wrong: you need to execute on doing what your customers want, as best you can, every single day. No Twitter strategy will make up for a lack in this area.

Basketball players think they need 100 moves to score a lot of points. Wrong: you need a few moves you can do well, and so well it doesn’t even matter when the defender knows it’s coming. Think Allen Iverson’s crossover: He did it anyway, and if you anticipated it, he had a counter move to that. But it was NEVER about you, the guy on defense. IT was about what HE wanted to do.


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