All these people online, blogging,making vids, posting pics… how can YOU stand out? What makes you any different from the rest?
Do you know your topic well? Like, expert-level well? If so, here’s what you do: You become the source of information on the topic.
You publish all there is to know about a certain topic (nothing is “too narrow” — narrow is actually better) to the point everyone who searches it sees you over and over again.
This establishes 1) You as a serious expert since you’re everywhere 2) You as someone who’s on top of what’s new and trending, since you’re always publishing.
In this episode, learn how to become the source and the power behind it.
Listen on: iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud
Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website
Dre is on all the social media platforms:
Instagram & Snapchat @DreBaldwin
Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay
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