Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#155: One Step At A Time
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#155: One Step At A Time

Discipline is a dirty word to some.

It means doing things they don’t want to do. Passing up fun for… Something less fun. Thinking about the future instead of always succumbing to the moment.

Well, life is long.

And a successful life is made up of successful years. That cascades into months, weeks, days and activities. So to have a successful life, all one needs is to take one successful step at a time.

You ready to do that? Then listen in today and let’s go.

Listen on: iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud

Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website

Dre is on all the social media platforms:

Instagram & Snapchat @DreBaldwin

Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay

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