Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1117: Why You Must Make Moves Without A Plan
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#1117: Why You Must Make Moves Without A Plan

Yes — planning is a good idea, and taking the time to plan up-front can save us a ton of time and energy on the back end.

But… we won’t always be able to plan. Sometimes we just need to move, to take action, and we need to do it NOW. Today’s episode explains why and how you need to make some moves without the luxury of a plan.

6:13 Today’s Topic: Why You Need To Make Moves Without A Plan

8:45 Point I: Success stories of people who “made it” in life.

15:08 Point II: Forced by circumstances to make a move.

16:34 Point III: The moves that will really jumpstart your progress.

22:55 Recap

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