Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1113: If You’re Gonna Do It, DO IT!
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#1113: If You’re Gonna Do It, DO IT!

Planning is valuable. Having a strategy matters. Getting the right information can be very helpful in your journey. And, with all this, there comes a point where action must be taken. A lot of people do all the planning and information-gathering only to hesitate at the moment of action. Today’s show will help wake you up out of your stupor and actually do something with all the information.

2:08 Today’s Topic: If You’re Gonna Do It, DO IT!

4:30 Point I: Do or do not. There is no try. — Yoda from Star Wars

7:15 Point II: How much time do you have to get to it?

8:37 How much time do you have to actually be successful at that thing since you’re starting what you may consider to be “late”.

10:11 Point III: Fortune favors the bold.

17:15 Point IV: Call to Action

20:37 Recap

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