Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1107: Why You Need To Start Lying To Yourself
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#1107: Why You Need To Start Lying To Yourself

What?!?! Lie to yourself? I thought you were about “keeping it REAL,” Dre?!?!

I am. And sometimes, the realest thing you can do for yourself is to tell yourself a lie — often, to the point that you start to Bellevue and act on that lie. The key is in choosing the right lie to believe. Today I’ll explain my position and help get you started.

2:12 Today’s Topic: Why You Need To Start Lying To Yourself

4:10 Point I: You can’t change the outside reality of your life until you change your inner reality.

7:10 You change any area of your outer reality by changing the conversation you’re having with yourself on the inside of that area.

13:48 Point II: You’re too intelligent to put this into action.

17:40 Point III: Anything that we tell ourselves often enough, even if it’s completely untrue, we will eventually come to believe it.

20:34 What we believe in, we act on.

21:50 Recap

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