Most people’s biggest internal challenge is that the challenge is internal. We can’t see or touch it, but dammit, it’s there — and it’s getting in our way. In today’s episode, I explain how you will keep your worst enemy — your own mind — working for and not against you.
[Transcript] #1106: How To Keep Your Own Mind From Destroying You
Congratulate yourself on tuning in to the best of the best show where you learn discipline to show up day after day to do the work. The confidence to put yourself out there boldly and authentically and the mental toughness to continue showing up doing the work. Putting yourself out there even when successive expected to achieve is yet to be achieved and on top of all this. Yes there is more. You get a huge dose of personal initiative. This is the go getter energy that moves you to make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen. Putting artists together you get the mindset the method the part gas known as work on your game. My name is Dre Baldwin also known as Dre All Day today soppy as how to keep your own mind from destroying you.
How to keep your own mind from being your worst enemy. As the saying has sometimes gone. We heard ourselves more with our own thoughts when we talked about the mental game than anything that happens or anything that is said to us by anyone on the outside. And the main reason why we heard ourselves more mentally than anything or anyone could ever hurt us is because we have the most opportunity to do damage to ourselves especially mentally. We have more opportunity more chances to do damage to ourselves for a couple of reasons one reason is because we know our weaknesses better than anybody else does. We know our insecurities. We know the things that trigger us to make that make us feel worse or bring our energy down or stop our momentum whenever we have momentum going. We know the things that we’re afraid of the things that we’re pessimistic about the things that we get anxious about we know all of our weak spots and also we’re always available to ourselves. We’re with our. Our minds are with us at all times. We don’t always have the listeners and we’re going to get into that but we’re around ourselves all the time. So we had the most opportunity and we had the most. We had the most intel when it comes of what we can do to damage ourselves mentally.
So today what I aim to do the mission for today’s episode is to help you keep your mind from destroying you even though your mind has all these advantages that could possibly work against you. But it also has the same advantages they can work for you.
You just had to exit exit.
You just have to execute the mental alchemy that will allow you to keep your self in control mentally. So today’s topic again is how to keep your own mind from destroying you. Get right into a point number one. Control your mindset by telling your thoughts what to think.
Telling your thoughts what to think. Now you may be saying to yourself Well Dre Yeah that sounds easy. Depending on the state that you’re in right now you’re in a positive mental state a state of flow and you feel that things are going the way that you want them to go. You may be saying this right. Dre tell your thoughts what you think. That’s what I’ve been doing all day and everything’s going great. Excellent. You got a fist ball that you make in a muscle you feel great. But if you’re in a situation where things haven’t been going well you’ve been wanting things to go one way but I’m going to opposite where you wanted something to happen but it didn’t happen. You wanted something to not happen and it did happen. You wanted somebody to come through for you and they didn’t you want somebody stay out your way. But he got in your way and things are going on. Exact opposite from the way that you want them to go you may be saying to yourself and to me right now. Yeah that sounds easy Dre but hardly. How actually do you do it. How do you tell your thoughts what to think. I mean you may have heard someone use that phrase before. How do you actually do it. I would tell you how to do it.
Any thought emotion or idea first of all this is is a piece of information for you to understand that any thought emotion or idea that is passed to the mind often enough with enough repetition or with enough emotional charge will eventually be accepted by the mind as part of your truth may set out once more. Just in case you weren’t listening. Any thought emotion or idea that is passed to the mind often enough with enough repetition or with and or with enough emotional charge will eventually be accepted by the mind as part of your truth. In other words you think anything. Often enough you’re going to start believing it.
It doesn’t even have to be true. Doesn’t have to be accurate doesn’t have to have ever happened. Doesn’t have to be based on any level of reality. It could be completely constructive and help you and make you better. It can be completely destructive and destroy you and others but if you repeat it often enough you will eventually accept it and believe it and you will give it. And this is these are principles that I teach and explain and help you understand help you apply to your life in a positive way. In my book called The mental workbook if you don’t have it we got an audio digital and physical form. This is go to DreAllDay dot com slash books or your favorite book retailer. What do you want to be true about you. These are questions that you need to answer for yourself. Understanding that everything that you’re thinking often enough and emotionally enough will become true. What do you want to be true about you. If you could just decide for yourself if a magic genie was telling you right now whatever you want to be true about you I will make true. But you have to tell me what they are. You must explicitly say them to me right now. That genie also said to you. If your whole life worked exactly as you planned for it to work what will be true about you in your life.
The genie is demanding that you give it some specific clear answers about who you want to be what you want your life to look like what you want to have. Then you’ve got to be specific as anything you’re not specific about the genie cannot and will not deliver. These are rules that the genie is giving you may give you. I’m a grant you three wishes but you’ve got to be specific and clear about exactly what you want. You can be no vagueness at all. The answers to these questions even though they may not be a magic genie in front of you. These are the thoughts that you need to be given yourself on a daily basis because your mind is way stronger than any magic genie in any cartoon Disney movie. The answers and thoughts that you had to those questions that I just pose you. What do you want to be true about you if your life went exactly as you wanted it to go. What would be true will be true about you and your life and everything in and around your life. The answers to those questions you need to be reminding yourself of those answers every single day because as I just told you a moment ago any thought emotion or idea that you give yourself often enough you will eventually accept it subconsciously meaning you’ll be living it out without even thinking about the fact that you’re living it up and understand that even if this idea or this concept is brand new to you or maybe you heard it before but you never actually applied it understanding the life you live in right now like right now today is already a reflection it is you are living out the life that reflects the ideas thoughts and emotions that have been passed to your mind often with repetition and or with emotional chars you’ve accepted them as truth in human living them out.
So if you look at your life right now and as any aspect of it or area of your life that you don’t feel is exactly where you want it to be understand it that’s because there are some thoughts emotions and ideas that have been passed to your mind regarding that area that you accept it whether you knew about it or you didn’t know about it that’s the way the game works. Now if you want to change it all you got to do now you take conscious control of it.
I didn’t know about the fact that I’ve got some thoughts emotions and ideas they got me eating terribly and got me horribly out of shape but now that you’re consciously aware of it you could do something about it.
And you can take take out being out of shape where you eat and apply anything you want money relationships friends and family business success playing a sport anything that you want. You can apply all you had to do is take conscious control of it and start feeding yourself the exact ideas thoughts and emotions that you want to be true about your life. And they will become through again if you repeat and see yourself often enough and again in the mental workbook explaining exactly how that’s done. Point number two. Today’s topic is how to keep your own mind from destroying you put your mind to work. Give your mind a job to do the saying goes I think back in the in religious texts they say that idle hands or idle minds are the workshop of the devil. Now I’m not here preaching religion but I just thought it out when I thought it was an idea put in your minds at work. You know they say that we only use 10 percent of our brains. I believe that’s been proven as a myth that humans use a lot more than 10 percent of their brains. Now here’s the thing I do believe regarding that statement. I believe that the average person employs only 10 percent of their brain. Most of the time. Now you may be using it for a bunch of things that you may not be able to explain. I couldn’t explain to you but I think of our capacity to use our brains our ability to consciously access our brains and put them to work and give our minds and as a separate the brains in a mind so I start about the mind. Give our minds a job and tell it what we wanted to do and give it something constructive to do it is gonna help move us forward in our lives. I believe we only take conscious control of that.
Opportunity 10 percent of the time all or less. Understand that your mind is the best employee that will ever work for you ever.
I don’t care if you have an amazing executive assistant or you have some interns working for you. You got some part time employees you just hired another full time employee. Your mind is the best employee you will ever have. There is no human being that can ever outwork your mind or be as sharp as your ma or as on point is your mind or do jobs as completely and exactly as specify the weight of your mind. Well human beings are flawed. Your mind does not make any mistakes because only working off of exactly what you get it at all times your mind never goes on vacation. Your employees need vacations. Your employees need to go to lunch. Your employees need to go to the bathroom and they might need a cigarette break. They might get sick. They may have a sick kid or husband or wife they might get in a car accident on the way to work. Your mind. None of those things will ever happen to your mind. It doesn’t even have bad days. And human beings can have bad days. Human beings have things going on in Nevada that had nothing to do with you or was going on at work.
Your mind doesn’t have any of those problems and never will. So your mind always does exactly what you tell it to do. It is available and on call 24 7 without fail. Whatever you tell it to do it will do it. And here’s a great. Another great thing about him. You don’t even have to pay it money. So any of you out there who feel like you could use an assistant or someone to help you out or an intern or somebody who would just take some work off of your hands. Understand your mind is already available and you only had to pay it money. It doesn’t even want to get paid but it does demand payment. Let me tell you what you pay your mind with. You pay your mind with the results of your life. See right now if you look at your life whether you’re 14 years old or 44. Look at the life that you’re living and this is the payment that you are giving your mind for the work that you’ve been telling it to do.
We’ll see say and once more.
The life you’re living right now is the payment that you have paid your mind with the thoughts and the jobs that you’ve been telling your mind to deliver.
Everything you think everything you feel everything you talk about is reflected. Or that you’ve been talking about feeling and thinking is reflected in a life that you have right now. And again as I said earlier if there’s anything that you don’t like anything that could be better. Anything you want to change or you gotta do is give your mind different jobs to do. Is the best employee that you will ever have. Whatever job you give it it will go to work on it. Now you might have to give him the job more than once is the only thing about your mind. You might not be able to just tell it something one time and it gets it done. That might be the one event is that if you’ve got a good human employee they might do that better than you might with your mind. You’ve got to keep telling it the same thing over and over and over again but it will eventually do it. If you tell it often enough guaranteed. There between the human and the mind is guaranteed to do it. If you tell it often enough some humans you could tell them the same thing so many times they will never do it because they just don’t want to do it. But your mind you tell it anything. Often enough it will make it happen in due time. It will always deliver without fail. So what you need to do is keep your mind on the job because it’s always available does not need downtime. Don’t worry about overworking your brain or overworking your mind. Again I’m gonna get those two confused. That means read learn study and listen to enriching material like I don’t know somebody on youtube who you like.
Maybe me maybe listen to the Work On Your Game Podcast maybe some other podcast that you like to listen to audios coaching seminars you go to meet up groups other people who are on the path to success who have similar goals and similar mindsets as you write down what your goals are. Do you know what your goals are right now. Take action on those goals as often as you possibly can. Remind us of what the goals are as consistently as possible again.
Giving your mind a picture of what you want. These are simple things that many people just don’t do consistently and you know what happens when you stop doing these. Success building activities on a consistent basis know happens. Your idle mind because you’re not giving it a job doesn’t have anything to do it starts feeding on the garbage that the environment has been created about average people around you. You know the saying is you become the average of the people you spend most time with whereas 30 people two people or five people. If your mind is idle and you have nothing. You’re not giving a job to do. Is this going to start feeding on whatever is going on around you. And many of us are not so lucky to just by default be in a situation where everyone around us is all about success and getting better in the personal development and growth. Most of us are not around people who are just like that by accident. If you’re around people like that you probably had to put some effort into being around those people. But the thing is if you stopped selling your mind the job you stopped giving your mind and picture you start feeding your mind ideas by repetition. It will start feeding on whatever’s going on around you by default. And most of us by default have people around us who aren’t going where we’re going. They’re not thinking how we’re thinking they’re not on the path that we’re on and your mind is going to start feeding on Whatever energy they’re putting out there and that’s the energy that you don’t want. That’s why you got to keep your mind on a job.
This is your job. This discipline.
Point number three. Today’s topic is how to keep your own mind from destroying you. I’m saying that your thoughts are not you. Your mind is not you the things that you’re thinking those are just coming from the outside. Now they may be you may internalize them for whatever reason but they are not you as a person. Here’s the good news.
You had the option to accept or not accept anything that you hear your mind telling you because see if you’re around a person who’s who doesn’t really have goals who’s kind of a loser who’s kind of just living their life by default they don’t really want to go anywhere do anything that’s gonna make them successful however you define that term but then they see you reading books and listen to a podcast either Work On Your Game Podcast and getting a go into seminars and going to meet ups and meeting people who are about something and doing things that will make you better in life and having a discipline and having your goals when people who are not on that path see you doing that thing you may have some negative things to say because they don’t quite understand you speak in a different language in it they’re not hating on you now want you to be a failure in life they just don’t see things the way that you see them. So what you need to understand is that those thoughts that get fed to you by those people some of whom may be very influential in your life such as parents siblings family members teachers coaches people you may call friends I don’t know why but people who you may call friends some of those people have influence on you you really internalize the things that those people say to you. So when your mind is repeating back to you the things that you’ve heard from these people who don’t have the goals that you have.
You had the option to choose whether you accept those thoughts or not. You have the option to choose whether you repeat those thoughts to yourself or not you have the option to choose whether that’s something you’re going to even allow your emotions your emotions to engage with or not. Now think you listen to a podcast called Work on your game to do nothing. See these people who don’t have the goals that you have who are have allowed their minds to defeat them not because they wanted to be defeated but because they didn’t know any better they become who they become. The average person becomes who they become by default because they are either not privy to what I’m talking about here today or they know about it but they choose not to accept what I’m saying today because it does require a little bit of mental effort. and effort is hard. Now not everybody is willing to sign up for effort at least not voluntarily give everyone they have to. Most people don’t give effort when they have options and not ordered to do. Most people choose not. Why. Because easier now in the long run of life it is actually harder on you. But I’ve talked about this in previous episodes it was easy now will be hard. Later it was hard now but easier later. It’s just the way it works.
So your thoughts are not you your mind is not you any ideas that you have even whether they’re good or bad they’re not you specifically so just because you’ve had a great run of mental energy over the last three days. That doesn’t mean you should get complacent and think that is going to just keep happening. If you start putting effort in if you start being vigilant if you start paying attention if you start me a discipline that is going to just keep going because not you’ve got to keep reminding yourself of what’s happening now know how you got to the space you’re in now mentally so you can repeat it in the future don’t think that is going to just keep going because you’re just coasting. Don’t get comfortable. And if you have thoughts going on in your mind whether they were planted in you by somebody else or you got it from your environment or it just came from your mind being idle because you’ve been consuming some garbage understand that you can change that any moment that you want because the thought is not you personally. Is this the thought that’s gone in your mind right now. You can take active control of it at any moment that you wish by consciously noticing you know what. These are not the ideas or emotions or thoughts that I want to have is isn’t going to create the outcome that I want let me change these and we make some changes cities right now that sounds very simple but it’s something most people never do.
You had the option. Let’s recap. Today’s topic was just how to keep your own mind from destroying you from the inside out. Point number one control your mindset by telling your thoughts. What’s that thing. How do you do that. Understanding any thought or emotion or idea that is passed to the mind often enough with enough repetition or enough emotional charge will eventually be accepted by your mind as part of your truth. You can control that truth as much as you wish or as little as you wish. Based on the ideas and thoughts you were giving yourself. On a day to day basis how do you do that. Number two put your mind to work knowing that we people say that we only use 10 percent of our brains or 10 percent of our minds. I don’t believe that’s true. I think has been proven as a myth. But I do believe that the average person only employs their mind 10 percent at a time in your mind. You may be using 85 percent of your mind but you don’t even know how you’re using it you’re not using it constantly.
You’re not using it purposely you’re just using it. Most people only employ their minds. Ten percent of the time I actually tell you this is what I want my mind think. These are the results that I want my mind to produce. People only do that about 10 percent of the time in general. Your mind is the best employee that will ever work for you no vacations no lunch breaks no bad days. It never disobeys or a direct order that it gets from you. It always does what is told without fail and you don’t you had to pay it money but you do pay with your life. The results of your life are a direct reflection of what you been feeding your mind over the last fill in the blank number of years. I’ve old you are. Look at your life right now as a direct reflection on what you’ve been feeding your mind. If you want to change anything in your life all you’ve got to do is change what you’ve been feeding your mind. Understand. You must do it consistently over time with repetition before you see the results. It is not going to happen immediately or overnight. Just because you heard it on a podcast even because you wrote it down.
Even because you said it a whole bunch of times today. Take action on your goals.
Do you have goals. Get some goals write them down take action on your goals is a simple things and many people will not do consistently then. Idle minds which had nothing else to do. Start feeding on the garbage that loses around them. There’s been this environment of losing theirs may create about average people out there who don’t understand or choose not to apply what you are hearing right now and your ears. Point number 3 your thoughts are not you the mind is not you and a good news about that is that you had the option to accept or not accept anything you hear your mind telling you because it might have been planted on you by some garbage that you heard by somebody who doesn’t have the goals that you have. Who’s not going where you’re going. Who resents you for trying to make yourself better when they have chosen to not make themselves better. Those thoughts may be in your mind as those people may be very influential in your life for whatever reason you can’t get away from them so easily. So understand you had the option to choose your thoughts at all moments.
And the bad news is as we can call it we won’t even have to call it bad news. But some news that you need to understand is even when things are going green in your mind. You had the state of mental flow and everything’s working away to you wanted to. Don’t get complacent don’t get lazy you think is gonna just keep happening by default because it will not. You must stay as on point as you were to get to this space. You had to stay that that level of one point to remain in a space is if you stop and you’re going to stop your own momentum because you stop paying attention.
And I don’t think you listened to a podcast called Work on your game to do nothing. Work when you gain Dre All Day. Dot com.
2:06 Today’s Topic: How To Keep Your Own Mind From Destroying You
3:45 Point I: Control your mindset by telling your thoughts what to think
4:59 You think anything often enough, you gonna start believing it.
8:45 Point II: Put your mind to work. Give it a job!
10:07 Your mind is the best employee you will ever have.
16:13 Point III: Your thoughts are not you.
20:05 Recap