Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1098: Why You Need To Converse With Those Who Disagree With You
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#1098: Why You Need To Converse With Those Who Disagree With You

I don’t know how much it existed before then, but ever since the infamous 2016 Presidential Election, we (Americans) seem to have created strong lines that divided us based on our opinions on certain people, policies, ideas, and on hypothetical shit that hasn’t even occurred. And many people have (stupidly) decided to stay away from the “other” who have the audacity to disagree (or not choose a side) on any subject.

In today’s show, I tell you why those “others,” the people who have opinions starkly opposing yours, are the exact people you need to speaking to.

2:16 Today’s Topic: Why You Need To Converse With Those Who Disagree With You

9:35 Point I: You don’t learn anything when everyone around you agrees with everything that you say, do, and think.

12:54 If you want your game to expand, you gotta expand your abilities.

14:10 Point II: Be open to hearing someone who sees things differently from you, and be willing to change your stance if and when you obtain information that’s different from what you have before.

20:10 Point III: When you get challenged by somebody who has a different opinion from yours, you’re going to find out just how good you really are.

30:26 Recap

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