Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1092: Why You Need To Step Your Writing Game Up, ASAP
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#1092: Why You Need To Step Your Writing Game Up, ASAP

Writing is a skill like anything else. And, while video and audio are large, growing platforms in the content-creation game, writing skills still matter. Today I’ll tell you why, and why you need to make sure you’re are on-point.

1:24 Today’s Topic: Why You Need To Step Your Writing Game Up, ASAP

3:58 Point I: It takes more dedication and expertise to publish something in writing.

6:13 Point II: How many people do you know who 100% regularly read books?

8:53 If you want serious people to take you seriously, you need to put your thoughts and expertise in writing.

12:00 Serious people take serious what’s in writing.

12:03 Point III: People who have the means to recognize and compensate you for your expertise, they would look to your writing as proof that you’re serious,
consciously or unconsciously.

16:11 Point IV: The clarity that’s required of you to put your thoughts in writing makes your ideas and concepts more to you and forces you to make sense of them if they’re not so clear for you.

18:52 Recap

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