Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1087: How To Have Energy That Attracts Good Things To You
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#1087: How To Have Energy That Attracts Good Things To You

Some people just have a golden touch — not so much with their words, but with their energy. Good things seem to just be attracted to them, and good luck just seems to be either following them or looking for them at all times.

How? Why? Can you get some (or a lot) of that?

Today I’ll address all of the above (and yes — you can).

1:18 Today’s Topic: How To Have Energy That Attracts Good Things To You

3:25 Point I: Check your unconscious thought pattern.

7:23 Point II: Let go of neediness.

7:48 Practice the mindset of abundance.

12:22 Point III: Stop pressing the issue in your mind.

14:09 What you chase runs away from you.

18:45 Recap

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